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 Why THC Gets You High, THC and CBD are two of the main cannabinoids extracted from cannabis plants for use. While both can be highly beneficial for medical use, they do have some significant differences. Most importantly, THC gets you high while CBD doesn’t.


 The two cannabinoids interact with the body in different ways and cause different reactions. So, while THC gives you the psychoactive effects you’d associate with marijuana, CBD is completely high-free. This makes CBD a very useful alternative for those who need therapeutic effects without getting high. But why is it that THC gets you high and CBD doesn’t?

Why THC Gets You High

THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is the chemical component found in cannabis that gives you psychoactive effects. In other words, this is the cannabinoid which gets you high. THC is found in high amounts in marijuana, hence why people often smoke weed or use cannabis concentrates to get high. It can also be extracted for use in oils, edibles, and other products.

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When THC is consumed, it attaches to cannabinoid receptors in the brain and body. These receptors affect various functions in the body, such as the central nervous system and certain pathways in the brain.

Research shows that the THC in cannabis activates the brain’s reward circuits. This affects various parts of the brain, including the regions responsible for memory and emotions. This is why cannabis produces feelings of happiness and euphoria, amongst other cerebral effects.

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THC activates both CB1 and CB2 receptors. This helps to cause all kinds of effects from pain relief to mental stimulation. The powerful effects it has on the body, and the CB1 receptors, in particular, are why THC will make you high.

Why CBD Doesn’t Get You High

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Why CBD Doesn’t Get You High

CBD or cannabidiol is another highly desirable cannabinoid due to its impressive medical effects. It’s used as an alternative treatment for a range of different conditions. It’s often found in the same plants as THC and also produces effects by interacting with cannabinoid receptors. This leads many people to wonder why CBD doesn’t get you high whereas THC does.

Both cannabinoids interact with cannabinoid receptors. However, interestingly, CBD does not affect receptors in the same way. It doesn’t bind to CB1 receptors and can even reduce the effects of THC on these receptors. Because of this, it doesn’t affect the brain in the same way and does not produce psychoactive effects.

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CBD still has some powerful effects. It interacts with cannabinoid receptors in the body to give you relief for pain, inflammation, skin problems, nausea, and a lot more. It also has some positive effects on the brain, including reducing anxiety, depression, and seizures. However, it does not interact with the brain in the same way as THC.

Since CBD can relieve the psychoactive effects of THC, some products even use CBD and THC together. While high-THC strains can sometimes worsen anxiety and paranoia, high-CBD strains are shown to help reduce it significantly. However, many users choose to use pure CBD products to get a range of medical benefits without any psychoactive effects.

Effects of THC vs CBD

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As you’d expect, these two chemicals differ significantly in their effects. THC gives you feelings of euphoria, happiness, and deep physical relaxation. This is what’s known as getting high.

But while often hailed for its recreational effects, THC can also be useful for its medical perks. It can relieve pain, boost appetite, fight cancer, treat glaucoma, and improve your mood to ward off stress and depression.

Both cannabinoids have some similarities in how they affect the body, and as such CBD has similar medical effects. It helps treat pain and inflammation, reduces seizures, relieves anxiety and stress, and improves sleep, amongst other effects.

While both help with many of the same conditions, sometimes CBD is preferable. THC can sometimes worsen anxiety, and in high amounts, it can also cause serious nausea, dizziness, paranoia, and vomiting. CBD is safe and has no harmful side effects, even in high dosages. Some people use products with both THC and CBD as the two can work well in unison.

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Legality of CBD and THC

Another important distinction between CBD and THC is that, in many states, CBD is legal whereas THC isn’t. States where marijuana is legal allow the use of any THC product for adults. However, illegal states still ban the use of cannabis along with THC oils, edibles, and other products high in THC.

On the other hand, CBD can be used legally in all 50 states. However, there are a couple of important conditions. The CBD must be derived from hemp plants instead of marijuana plants. Products must also have less than 0.3% THC.

This draws back to the same issue. CBD products with little or no THC can be used safely without any side effects (psychoactive or otherwise) making them a purely medical product. THC products, however, are still banned in many places due to their psychoactive effects.

Hemp creates a legal loophole. While cannabis products are still banned in many states, hemp is seen as a food product and therefore not a controlled substance. This is why many CBD products are made from hemp as opposed to marijuana plants. While CBD from any plant will have the same effects, hemp CBD is more legally available.

Where To Buy Legal CBD

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Due to the legality and its high-free nature, CBD is very popular for medical use. Whether you want to improve your overall health or need to treat a serious condition, you can buy as much as you want and use it as you like.

JustCBDStore offers a range of hemp-based CBD products. That means that no matter which state you live in, you can legally order these for delivery and use them for your purposes. A range of products are available, including CBD Tinctures, Gummies, Gummiess, Bath Bombs, and even Vape Cartridges and Doobies.

All of these products are also THC-free. As such, they’re safe to use without any side effects.

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CBD and THC are both fascinating cannabinoids which cause various effects to the body. But while THC will activate the brain’s reward pathway and affect memory and emotions, CBD does not interact with CB1 receptors in the same way. You can use CBD without any risk whatsoever of getting high, whereas THC is often used purely for its recreational effects.


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